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Educational Technology


Kids on the playground

Hearing Every Student Voice

We believe that learning comes first and that technology helps support and create a more engaging educational experience for our students. At Bullis, we use education-specific technology to personalize the learning experience.

Examples include:

  • Lower School students using iPads to be a part of the Global Read Aloud
  • Middle School students creating digital animations
  • Upper School students using augmented reality to demonstrate Anatomy and Physiology

Homework at Bullis might be a teacher-created video or a TED Talk that students watch to prepare for class discussion the following day. Teachers schedule breaks and embed learning checks directly in the video to get information about both class and individual needs before students even walk into the classroom.

Bullis EdTech

EdTech at Bullis

Divider Hazel

One-to-One Laptop Program

Bullis has increased its focus on integrating technology into all areas of curriculum and into all grades. As a result, ever-increasing opportunities for different technologies are emerging to provide our students with learning experiences that are engaging, innovative, and creative.

With the School’s core academic values of critical thinking, collaboration, communication, resourcefulness, and creativity in the forefront of our strategic planning, the Bullis administration determined that to achieve our educational goals we need to ensure consistent access to technology resources among all students through a one-to-one laptop program.