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Strategic Plan
- Emphasize academic rigor while weaving joy and purpose throughout the student experience.
- Create inviting and appropriate spaces for all students.
- Bolster and promote the arts within the Bullis and broader community.
- Ensure that all students have a valuable and healthy athletic experience.
- Intensify the focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Enhance student, faculty, and community wellness programs.
- Increase alumni engagement and deepen their connection to Bullis.
- Conduct a holistic review of Bullis’s academic program and the interplay between academics, arts, and athletics.
- Create long-term financial stability.
- Commit to faculty support, growth, and excellence.
- Tell and live the authentic Bullis story internally and externally. Hold fast to our values, “Caring – Challenging – Community.”
- Stay joyful.
- Admit mission-appropriate students who will grow into exemplary Bullis graduates.
- Right-size the school.